Tennis player Roger Federer sleeps 12 hours a day, how many hours of sleep is necessary to stay fit?

Tennis player Roger Federer sleeps 12 hours a day, how many hours of sleep is necessary to stay fit?

Sound Sleep Benefit: Sleeping at the right time is also necessary for a healthy body. Experts say that getting good sleep improves physical and mental development. But in terms of age and work busyness, the scale of the time limit for sleeping changes. For example, if a child is preparing for UPSC or any other exam, then there the mother, father and teachers say that for some time, they can work with 6 hours of sleep. At the same time, even after getting older, sleep starts decreasing on its own. But players have a different experience of sleeping. To keep himself fit, he takes 10 to 12 hours of sleep. Sometimes the figure goes beyond this. It is necessary to know that for how many hours one can remain healthy by sleeping. 

Roger Federer sleeps for 12 hours

According to the news of Indian Express, expert Mukesh Bansal told that not getting good sleep every day is not an example of a healthy lifestyle. Lack of sleep hinders concentration. Physically the person starts becoming weak. Making sleep a priority is not that easy. But to live a good life it is very important to implement it in life. Take Roger Pfeder here. Amazing players. He never compromises with sleep. Sleeping for 12 hours every day is included in his routine. Athletes and all the players in the world. The more he likes to sleep. This improves their practice. Recovery is better and you also feel mentally refreshed. 

Hypertension is at risk of becoming diabetic

Due to lack of sleep, you do not recover from fatigue. The problem increases more when there is an injury or any kind of infection. Lack of sleep affects the immune system rapidly. Apart from this, another important factor is that due to lack of sleep, there is an increase in the appetite-increasing hormone ghrelin in the body. Due to this obesity increases very fast. It has also been revealed in a study that if you are getting less sleep than the prescribed time, then the blood pressure increases rapidly. The person comes in the condition of being pre-diabetic. At the same time, the risk of hypertension also increases. 

Then how many hours should sleep

Experts have also fixed different parameters for sleeping according to age. Where does a small child sleep more. At the same time, with increasing age, the time limit of sleep also decreases. Where the newborn sleeps for 19 hours. Whereas the old people spend 16 to 17 hours awake. According to media reports, the time limit for sleep has been fixed according to each age. Let’s know about it. 

1. Newborns should sleep for about 14-17 hours. Try not to sleep more than 19 hours. 

2. Babies 4 to 11 months old should get 12 to 15 hours of sleep, not more than that. 

3. 12 months to 35 months i.e. children above one year and below 3 years of age should have 12 to 14 hours of sleep.

4. At least 11 to 14 hours of sleep is good for one to two year old children. There is no problem in sleeping a little too much because of this.

5. 10 to 13 hours of sleep is good for 3 to 5 year old children. Sleep should not be less than 8 hours and more than 14 hours.

6. About 9 hours of sleep is necessary from 11 years to 18 years till puberty. 

7. 7-9 hours have been advised for 18-25 years i.e. young adults. Should not be less than 6 hours and not more than 11 hours. People in the age group of 26 to 64 years should also sleep this much. 

8. Elderly people above 65 years of age must take 7 to 8 hours of sleep. They should not sleep less than 5 hours and not more than 9 hours.


Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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